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Sample Videos by Four H3+B and Genlock Dongle

PCB of Genlock Dongle has arrived for us. Here are example shots by using it.

Tonight I went nearby streetcar station and test the dongle. The equipment is as in the following photo and four GoPro Hero 3+ Blacks.

Genlock Dongle connected to 4 MewPros
Genlock Dongle connected to 4 MewPros

(FYI: There are three dongles in the photo above; Connected, box opened, the reverse side.)

I set the cameras on the platform.

And shoot.

Note: These videos are completely untouched. No editing at all. This is why three videos are upside down. 🙂

Next post of this blog will be the announcement the item being ready for purchase. So stay tuned.

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Genlocking HSYNC/VSYNC details

Here are screenshots of logic analyzer showing HSYNC and VSYNC signals while recording in 1080-30.

These signals are generated by the micro processor in the right bacpac of Dual Hero System. You can easily see that the periods are equal to those of lines and frames, respectively.

HSYNC @1080-30
HSYNC @1080-30

VSYNC @1080-30
VSYNC @1080-30

Note: The PCB for MewPro Genlock Dongle is on the way to our lab in Tokyo. We expect they will arrive in a few days.

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Made to Order

We will make up your MewPros to capture your best angle.

MewPro is an open source project: anyone can use info published in this website and make anything they want. But sometimes when you are busy or don’t like soldering/programming anything we can help you.

The following is a photo of a recent custom-made MewPro for GoPro Hero 3+ Black with extra sensors and a storage.
Contact us about pricing and details.

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New Firmware Works with MewPro

A new firmware for GoPro Hero 3+ Black has just been ready for downloading from GoPro website. We confirm that it perfectly works with MewPro.

The version number of the firmware is now v03.00.

GoPro Hero 3+ Black firmware v03.00
GoPro Hero 3+ Black firmware v03.00

Firmware compatibility for Dual Hero System and MewPro is summarized as follows:

GoPro Hero 3+ Black
Firmware Dual Hero System MewPro
01.04 NG NG
02.00 OK OK
03.00 OK OK
GoPro Hero 4 Black
Firmware Dual Hero System MewPro
01.02 NG NG
02.00 NG NG