By installing a slide switch or an alternate push button to the reset line of our genlock system, GoPro’s microSDs get easily accessible from PC through the USB on the side.
The customer in Germany recently told us that they succeeded in mounting GoPro’s microSDs without detaching MewPros nor soldering additional wires. They’ve got two key ideas: 1. If the reset line is kept LOW then MewPros don’t logically exist on Herobus; 2. If Dual Hero bacpac (or MewPro) is attached to Herobus then the side USB cannot be used to mount GoPro’s microSD from PC.
We misunderstood that the I2C command “UM0” enabled access to internal microSD from the side USB. The truth is the command only disables access from the back USB that have been enabled by “UM2”, and resumes the 3D mode.
The following is a demo to mount all the microSDs in a sample rig.
Example Session
The rig is in a single-dongle configuration with one master camera and, for simplicity sake, only one slave camera. All cameras and the Dual Hero bacpac are powered/charged by a self-powered USB 2.0 hub. An alternate push button switch is installed on the reset line (the red part in the photos below. When the button is pushed/latched its red rod is seen shorter).
Step 0: Let’s start this session with normal charging state: Master camera is OFF; Slave camera(s) OFF; USB hub’s power is ON; Reset line HIGH, i.e., reset is OFF. Master OFF. Slave OFF. USB hub ON. Reset OFF.
Step 1: Push the master camera’s power button. Then the system enters in 3D shooting state. Master ON (3D). Slave ON (3D). USB hub ON. Reset OFF.
Step 2: Push and hold the reset switch to keep the reset line LOW. And temporally detach power from the USB hub. Then the master camera becomes automatically OFF because the peer Dongle has lost its power. Master OFF. Slave ON (not 3D). USB hub OFF. Reset ON.
Step 3: Plug a USB cable to PC and hub. And power on the USB hub.
Then the slave camera(s) become(s) hard disk mode and they are accessible from PC simultaneously. Master OFF. Slave ON (disk). USB hub ON and connected to PC. Reset ON.
Step 4: After downloading video/image data from slave GoPros unmount these disks on PC. And push release the reset line. Master OFF. Slave ON (3D). USB hub ON and connected to PC. Reset OFF.
Step 5: We have downloaded data from all the cameras but the master. Now push the master camera’s power button again. Then we will be able to do the job. Master ON (disk). Slave ON (3D). USB hub ON and connected to PC. Reset OFF.
Just a quick note about the firmware for HERO3+ Black Edition v03.03 (September 2, 2015). This firmware works fine with MewPros.
Note to Genlock Dongle users: Dongle’s software also needs update as it emulates a version of camera hardware; both the master camera and the slave camera (or dongle) must have the same version. The source code in GitHub is now modified to use with the current version 3.03 so please download and install it to your dongle.
This post is for those who bought our MewPro Cable products WITHOUT cable (i.e. for customers of plug-only MewPro Cable) and to explain how to solder your genlocking units.
For genlocking the wires among plugs and Dongle must be soldered by yourself. It shouldn’t be so difficult task nevertheless the through holes are really small. But if you like everything to be inside of the plug enclosure then it never be easy or you must be a true wizard/witch of soldering.
Solder Wires to PCB
MewPro Cable is basically a reduced/shrinked version of MewPro 2 board. So please refer the post “How To Use MewPro Genlock Dongle”, too.
Wires to the board in the plug are shown as in the following figure.
Wires of MewPro Cable
Use smaller through holes for soldering as larger holes will be needed for future update of the firmware.
Before soldering these wires to both plug and Dongle, don’t forget to thread a strain relief (the black, cylindrical part with legs in the above photo).
Plug casing can be closed as in the following pictures. 1. Assemble the bottom half
2. Assemble the reminder
Note: If once the lid clicked closed it’s impossible to open the cover of plug again without breaking black plastic tabs.
Updating Firmware
MewPro Cables are shipped with the genlock firmware installed. But in future possible firmware updates by yourself may be preferred.
In order to upload a software to ATtiny1634 microcontroller, you’ll need some temporary testing wires, which we use is shown below for example, as well as a Sparkfun FTDI Basic Breakout – 3.3V (or its clone).
Sanhayato TTW-200 Testing Wires
Sanhayato TTW-200 can be purchased in Japan only from this site.