MewPro PCB is sold without casing. We describe here how to make an attractive enclosure from “Frisk” by yourself.
Parts List
- Frisk breath mint candies in plastic cartridge
- This is sold at any convenience stores found across Japan. Unfortunately, Frisk packages in other countries are different from ones in Japan, so you might want to import them from Japan.
- MewPro w/ SMD parts and Herobus connector (soldered)
- In order for MewPro PCB to fit in Frisk, Arduino Pro Mini must be soldered by yourself.
- Arduino Pro Mini 328 3.3V 8MHz
- Genuine Pro Mini or any clone will do.
- Wires and solders
- and some skills…
The essential part is the Frisk plastic casing. Its depth is 10.5mm and this is almost the same as GoPro BacPac’s 10.0mm!
Cut the MewPro PCB a bit. Take care not to cut any conductive traces!
Solder the Arduino Pro Mini board to the reverse side of the MewPro board.
Cut Frisk.
Voilà! MewPro is now inside of Frisk. Its size can be compared to bacpacs of Dual Hero System.
Note: If you want to make the above DIY Frisk casing we can ship Frisk from Japan. Please contact us if you need. 🙂